The Falsehood of Free Markets, Capitalism, and Freedom in Monetary Systems
(NOTE) My views might be a bit controversial to some
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1) Let's start with the most frequent proposition stated by proponents of the "free" market ideology. We need to understand that a capitalistic competitive monetary system is NOT a good catalyst for innovation and technology advancements, at all. It leads to monopoly in both instances and even though it produces product improvements in a "competitive" market, the ideologies behind the production of such industries are narrow-minded (e.g. genetics, molecular medicine, AI, telecommunication technologies, vehicles, housing... towards trans-humanist ideations). There is no true innovation towards breakthrough technologies that would truly redesign our ecosystem in an adaptive manner that is actually capable of true evolution in a live (instead of stagnant) complex system with multiple solutions and points of view coexisting in a coherent state and acting in constructive rather than destructive interference.
2) Money was invented at some point, it is a tool, a device, a technology; a primitive one I may add. It doesn't work and it is only useful to sustain slavery systems (e.g. capitalism and the "free" market only work if you have a third world of cheap labor and cheap raw materials to steal its resources from).
3) If money was invented, we can clearly invent something else, something that would promote a real evolutionary process guided by wisdom (in such system there cannot be any type of government or hierarchy structure that puts anyone in control of the masses, that is, of the slaves). I have some ideas as to how it would work but it will never happen in our current civilization. It would require Human Beings of a much better quality, and we are NOT them, at all. NOTE: An evolving dynamical system that changes and learns over time is not an utopia, which is define as an static, not changing, state of "perfection". However, when we imagine a world were our demonic nature doesn't exist and only our good qualities are present, our primitive mind claims "that's an utopia, it will never happen". First of all, that is NOT an utopia, as I said, and second of all, that should be the MINIMAL acceptable for a rational species that is capable of understanding words such as WISDOM. The minimal require to reproduce if I may say so. We should not be able to proliferate as slaves in any way, shape or form.
4) To my understanding of history and anthropology, our civilization (including ALL cultures) started around 10,000 years ago with the invention of slavery, which was sustained by surplus production in a commercial system for the exchange, not of goods and services (as we usually say), but rather of power, control and hegemony over the land and the slaves. "Free" citizens, exchanged Gold, Silver, or any other form of fungible element, as a measure of power over others. Clearly, as it is the case today, anyone using that system is a slave, as everyone with more fungible elements has control and power over them.
5) It might seem contrary to general views on known archaeology but it seems pretty obvious to me that advanced civilizations existed prior to ours and they DID NOT used any form of slavery manage by fungible elements, at all.
I hope this inspires some ideas on the reader. I would write about what those alternative systems might look like in the future. It is not on my priority list as of now. 🙏