Principles of True Bioethics (Short Version)
(Audio of the Essay - You can read the text below)
Can you test new medicines in fetuses, newborns and children during clinical trials?
In general, you cannot do that because there is no informed consent. You do not have the right to, by direct and intentional action, threaten the life of another. The same principle applies to animals, you do not have the right to threaten their lives.
Only in the case of a serious potential danger or a life-threatening condition, the parents of those fetuses-mothers, newborns or children, have the right to try, due to the potential direct benefit that may be derived from the process. Only in that case they have the right to involve them in clinical trials.
In the case of vaccination, the case for a serious potential danger would apply if and only if this condition is truly satisfied. If the risk is only present for a given cohort of the population, only them would have the right to try, if and only if the potential risk is indeed life-threatening.
In the case of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, there is no such a risk, therefore you cannot enroll healthy fetuses-Mothers, newborns or children in any SARS-CoV-2 clinical trial, without committing a crime. You do not have the right to threaten the life of a healthy Being from Existence, which as I said, extends to animals.
In the case of animals, there is no justification. Every use of them for experimentation that supposes a risk to their lives is a crime. There is no informed consent and there is no potential benefit to the animal, contrary to the case for a life-threatening condition in human subjects, where there is potential benefit to the Human.
If animals are to be studied, not experimented with, the life of the animal must not be threatened in the process. Animals cannot be experimented with. The fact that our so called "Science" requires animal experimentation to advance in their knowledge of Biology and Medicine, is only a sign of the present Barbarian and Primitive stage of that so called "Science" and the Misguided Moral Compass of those involved.
Only an advanced Society, an advanced Civilization, an advanced state of True Science, True Knowledge & Wisdom... Only advanced True Light-Guided Human Beings, with True Virtue, will be able to acknowledge this in a distant future. Only then we will recover our Moral Compass. Only then will we be closer to The Angels than to The Demons.