COVID-19: A Novel Illness?
My Informed Opinion on the issue, given recent discussions on the topic
First of all I would encourage the reader to take a very good look at this fabulous substack article, from “Where are the numbers?”:
A closer look at Spikeopathy as the explanation for the novel symptoms associated with COVID-19
With an investigation into competing alternative explanations
My Comment: (link)
Hi Martin Neil, Jonathan Engler, and Jessica Hockett,
This is the best article on the issue I've read so far. It seems pretty obvious to me that this has been a clear case of Mass psychogenic illness, for the most part.
Point 1) The presence or absence of molecular signatures that may or may not be associated with a disease course is a natural phenomena that is present all the time and it can also be enhanced via contamination due to massive production of tests among other reasons. Such molecular noise is sufficiently persistent throughout the ecosystem and it is permanently modulated by the natural movement of genomic information within the biosphere from the macro to the micro level. Irresponsible measurements of such molecular patterns can very easily be misinterpreted as "outbreaks", if they are performed routinely regardless of their clinical significance.
Point 2) From BMJ Best Practice (Differential Diagnosis for COVID-19)
"Differentiating COVID-19 from community-acquired bacterial pneumonia is not usually possible from signs and symptoms."
"Differentiating COVID-19 from community-acquired respiratory tract infections is not possible from signs and symptoms."
"COVID-19 should be considered a differential diagnosis for many conditions. The differential is very broad and includes many common respiratory, infectious, cardiovascular, oncologic, and gastrointestinal diseases."
That is to say, there is NO NOBEL disease called COVID-19. It is a broad term that includes all and everything that has been correlated with a positive molecular test, regardless of causation. Thus, a clear case of Mass Psychogenic Illness.
***[CORRECTION to (Point 3)- Sep 8, 2024: I am starting to doubt the veracity of such proposition, specially regarding the use of terms such as ‘Biological Agents’. I currently do not think there was any need for such deployment of toxins. The change in Health Care protocols, by itself, would be more than enough. That’s my current position.]*** This short clip on the evolution of mechanical ventilation usage is a good example on that:
Point 3) It still is true however, that very localized excess mortality peaks were observed for a brief period of time in places like Lombardy, Madrid, New York... In my estimation, these peaks cannot be explained by a change in health care protocols alone, including the panic, the lockdowns, mask usage within the cohort of the population with chronic respiratory illness and/or cardiomyopathies, abuse of the elderly and vulnerable population... It seems to be that some toxin (maybe a biological agent) may have been deployed (knowingly or unknowingly) to spark the fear that was needed for the Mass Psychogenic Illness event to take place.
[NOTE: It seems almost obvious to me, that a biological agent cannot spread beyond the second to third layer of direct exposure to the agent due to its nature, it is just a biological structure that remains outside of the normal equilibrium of the ecosystem. Regardless of the properties that it may have in cell culture, or even in live experiments, it will only have a limited effect in space and time and its effects will only be able to be recurrent via a multi-focal release of the agent in different locations at different times. A bullet does not perpetuate itself ad infinitum. Nonetheless it may be able to contaminate related biological pathways and molecular patterns within the ecosystem, even if the signal has no clinical significance at the moment of measurement.]
Point 4) I've personally heard many stories of something abnormal happening in given regions of Madrid, as well as some other very localized regions in Spain. Not even the whole city of Madrid was affected, only just some areas, and it lasted for a very brief period, maybe a month, month and a half. Even Mainstream doctors were saying this on TV for a couple of weeks in 2020. They soon had to stop saying it, of course.
Point 5) It never "spread" to Germany. That was my Red Alert & Wake Up moment. For me the "pandemic" lasted only a couple of weeks. As soon as I saw that it doesn't spread as it should, I had to accept the reality of the event.
It became very easy to know when every and all politicians and public figures in the western world started to use the same propaganda lines: "The New Normal", "We Are on This Together", "Nobody Is Safe Until Everybody is Safe", "Build Back Better"... It all sounded like communist propaganda from The Great Leap Forward. Even at the very beginning some public figures started to say how this whole Lockdown Experiment was a great example on how to address climate change. At the same time many politicians where partying around during the lockdowns, not very worried about any contagion. The only reason why most people didn't see this propaganda is because of Mass Psychogenic Illness. That is the only thing that has been spreading in an abnormal way.