Follow up questions that I think are important:
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Sperm Parameters Before and After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination
METHOD:[Semen sample after 2 to 7 days of abstinence, prior to
receiving the first vaccine dose and approximately 70 days after
the second.]
RESULTS:[There were no significant decreases in any sperm
parameter among this small cohort of healthy men]
OBJECTIONS: One cycle of Spermatogenesis is 74 days. Therefore you
would want data that covers at least 150 days so you can observed
a complete cycle.
Covid-19 Vaccination BNT162b2 Temporarily Impairs Semen
Concentration and Total Motile Count among Semen Donors
METHOD:[T0 - pre vaccination baseline control, which included 1-2
initial samples. Each of the three post-vaccination time frames-
T1, T2 and T3 - included 1-3 samples per donor supplied 15-45,
75-150 and over 150 days after vaccinated date, respectively.]
NOTE: One complete cycle of Spermatogenesis can be observed here
and additionally and very important, as the authors pointed out
[The wide heterogeneity and variations between semen samples over
time necessitates repetitive measurements per donor by diverse
statistical approaches]. This could not be done in the previous
RESULTS:[No significant change was demonstrated between T1 and T0.
The only significant differences were found specifically on sperm
concentration and TMC on T2]
CONCLUSION: The previous study could not observed this change,
that occurred during the 75-120 days after vaccination (T2)
Clever observation. Thanks for clarifying those results.